Category: Travel News

  • Supporting Bali through COVID-19

    Supporting Bali through COVID-19

    The people of Bali are going through an extremely tough time due to the global outbreak of COVID-19 and the halt on international travel. With the vast majority of Balinese people relying directly or indirectly on the tourism industry for survival, and tourist numbers estimated to be down over 95% most people have lost their…

  • Ngurah Rai Airport Denpasar Bali Re-Opens After Ash Caused Closure!

    Thousands of passengers were stranded at I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport. it was closed for 24 hours, started from November 26th until 27th2017. The temporary closure of this flight activity was due to the volcanic ash spread off that may disrupt the flight activity, both domestic and international flight in I Gusti Ngurah Rai…